Hello! I am working currently on a patch in 5.2 with the RealSense 455 and the PointCloud node from VL.Devices.RealSense 1.5.0.
I gave it a shot with 6.0 with no luck. The awesome new Log window tells me:
2024/04/04 10:10:55.026 [CRT] (Sys) 0 vvvv MissingMethodException: "Method not found: 'Stride.Core.Mathematics.Vector3 Stride.Core.Mathematics.Vector3.op_Multiply(Stride.Core.Mathematics.Vector3, Stride.Core.Mathematics.Vector3)'."
VL.Devices.RealSense.RealSenseHelper+<>c__DisplayClass3_1 { internal VL.Lib.Collections.Segment<Stride.Core.Mathematics.Vector3> <SelectPointCloud>b__2(Intel.RealSense.FrameSet frameSet) { ... } }
System.Reactive.Linq.ObservableImpl.Select`2+Selector+_ { public virtual void OnNext(TSource value) { ... } }
System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo { public void Throw() { ... } }
System.Reactive.PlatformServices.ExceptionServicesImpl { public virtual void Rethrow(System.Exception exception) { ... } }
System.Reactive.ExceptionHelpers { public static void Throw(System.Exception exception) { ... } }
System.Reactive.Stubs+<>c { internal void <.cctor>b__2_1(System.Exception ex) { ... } }
System.Reactive.AnonymousObserver`1 { protected virtual void OnErrorCore(System.Exception error) { ... } }
System.Reactive.ObserverBase`1 { public virtual void OnError(System.Exception error) { ... } }
System.Reactive.SafeObserver`1+WrappingSafeObserver { public virtual void OnError(System.Exception error) { ... } }
System.Reactive.Sink`1 { public virtual void ForwardOnError(System.Exception error) { ... } }
System.Reactive.Sink`2 { public virtual void OnError(System.Exception error) { ... } }
System.Reactive.Sink`1 { public virtual void ForwardOnError(System.Exception error) { ... } }
System.Reactive.Linq.ObservableImpl.Select`2+Selector+_ { public virtual void OnNext(TSource value) { ... } }
System.Reactive.Subjects.Subject`1 { public virtual void OnNext(T value) { ... } }
VL.Lib.Reactive.ForEach`3 { protected virtual void OnNext(TIn input) { ... } }
VL.Lib.Reactive.ObservableInputBase`1 { private void SafeOnNext(T input) { ... } }
System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo { public void Throw() { ... } }
VL.Lang.Platforms.RuntimeHost { private void SharedStep() { ... } }
I can also reproduce it by just opening the “HowTo Visualize the depth point cloud” help patch.
Thanks for any help! Would be great if I could move this project to 6.0.