Ps3 Eyecam in Gamma

Hello, is it somehow possible to use th PS3 Eyecam in vvvv Gamma? Thanks for the help.

If you have it working in vvvv beta it should be available via VL.OpenCV

Are there 32 bit builds of Gamma? Otherwise you are most likely out of luck because the CL Eye driver is only available for 32 bit.

Ah ok, thanks for your answers. So at the moment it is not possible for me.

I am totally new to vvvv and try to get into it. I now try to use it in the alpha 32 bit vl version. But somehow in the vl-VideoIn-node my Cameras (also my integrated one) do not show up, in the vvvv-VideoIn-node they are all visible. Do you maybe know what might be the issue? If I rightclick the Input-Pin the following pops up

That error is possibly related to 32/64/ installation. You could try installing the IPISoft driver. And use the 64bit version of Gamma with OpenCV I’ll take a look at it later today and try to pass on some pointers.

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Didn’t know that one. Thanks.

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