HI: unfortunately not : deleting args.txt , it doesent appear anything: at the very beginning, lauching the application, it initialize a grey box (it must be some king of loader), then , nothing…, just an icon in windows taskbar…
I just downloaded the latest zip archive, uncompressed to c folder,startet vvvv.exe
first, i had a problem lauching the software due a missing directx file .dll
looking for that file, i found that is missing on xp64 wich i’m using… i just found it on a forum, downloaded, and the software apparently started.
The problem now, is that all I get is a directx render window, with a beautifull fractal tree moving…
reading the docs, it should appear also an editor window…
what happens if you middle or double click the “grey box” you see after startup? perhaps this is the (empty) editor ;)
or are you talking about the splash screen (a grey image with vvvv version number and compling date)
damn 3d-studio. it uses a component (Addflow.ocx) which vvvv is also using and obviously messes something up in the system so that vvvv cannot install its own version of it.
i can’t use the forum search at the moment (broken) but if i remember correctly we had 2 users with this problem sofar. one didn’t get it solved at all. the other made it by reinsalling 3dsmax.
if you go for the reinstall make sure to try vvvv while 3dsmax is uninstalled. and please report back if it helped.
select that task in the taskbar (make it the active task),
move your mouse to the middle of the screen,
and try the following:
*press ALT+R
*press CTRL-P
*press CTRL-I
may be not the case but , this is a silly thing but i remember that work on vista after admin rights , right click the vvvv.exe properties and select execute as and choose noraml xp , cheers