hey tfjlm welcome to the forum!
yeah your are totally correct ! I did not realize to connect the Position node to the transform! thanks!
it can added there also, and play around before the emmiter takes place! nice!!
hey tfjlm welcome to the forum!
yeah your are totally correct ! I did not realize to connect the Position node to the transform! thanks!
finally got it to work on my machine as well
you can also work with the buffers directly no need to emit if you always want to have everything visible
texone that is the pre release of gamma and fuse ?
I don’t see many nodes on the latest stable release
@andresc4 Yes, this is dev builds, but right now i can’t run Fuse on new gamma builds, messaged @texone in chat.
@texone 70 FPS seems ok i think, i might cheated with emitter in my previous tests, need to try without it to display full point cloud.
@alg same here, I was no able to run latest fuse&latest gamma…
Still, now using sprites +curls forces + attractors with the 11m point cloud, I can get more or less the same framerate as beta. If this approach is stable over 90fps, viewing this datasets in VR will be super smooth. Also exploring all the new possibilities that Fuse offers regarding particles is super fun
I hope that the solution that @texone will be present on the next versions of Fuse
@andresc4 There are 2 pull requests that needs to be merged into Fuse to support latest dev builds. Otherwise, you can rollback to 2022.5-582 for now, this version should run Fuse alphas visout problems.
Ok I was totaly impress with the speed of vvvv5.2 and the latest releases of Fuse
But going back to this project, its all dead
Not sure from where to start to fix this
What would be the best aproach to learn in the process?
looking at all the particle patches and see how buffers are formed?
PlyReaderFuse5.vl (27.5 KB)
OK I was able to make something work in latest fuse, but its the “old” aproach without using SpryteRender. Are those nodes with a different name, or are planing to go back? Or I should re do it myself by coiping the structure from the old fuse version?
This aproach do not feel as effective as the old one, and also, I am not able to read more that 300000 particles, they are present on the ply loader, but they are missing on the render stage
you should use ImmutableBuffer, not DynamicBuffer. DynamicBuffers are only for data that changes every frame and are much slower than ImmutableBuffers.
nice, I did notice improvement in speed
but still I fell the other method using Spriterender was way faster, and I have missing points
Is there any alterantive to those nodes on the latest fuse release ?
Hi all!
@andresc4 thank you for this thread and the patch.
I did some digging into this patch for a while. First in gamma 4.12/Fuse 0.2.4 and then ported it to gamma 5.3/Fuse 1.0.0-alpha08.
And I noticed an interesting thing. When I load my hi-res model in gamma 4.12, particles are emitted at all coordinates if I change the number of rendered elements in BufferResourceHandler from default 1000000 to the number of elements from the model. But in gamma 5.3 particles appear only within the threshold of the first 1000000 elements despite their specification in ProbabilityEmitter and in ComputeSystem via SetParticlesBufferSize. Perhaps @andresc4 this is the main trouble regarding the partial emitting from the model coords.
@tonfilm @alg I would be glad if you would have any suggestions on how to cope with it.
@873hz I still need to test point cloud visualization on new Fuse alphas, might be the bug somewhere in Fuse or the problem with emitter.
@alg thanks for answering.
That’s the link to the model and the patch for tests Unique Download Link | WeTransfer
@873hz The PLY exported as mesh, not as point cloud (see Cloud Compare render):
Can you please export it as a point cloud PLY?
This is a common confusion, since PLY can handle both mesh and point cloud data. You can also send me a LAS file.
@alg, sure.
Here is the link Unique Download Link | WeTransfer
I tried to upload point cloud ply to ProbabilityEmitter and the situation became a little bit better, but again not all vertices were used as emitter coordinates.
But then I found out that ProbabilityRecycler works fine and can use coordinates even from the mesh. So I switched to it.
Thank you anyway for checking and leading a way of thought.
Hey @873hz nice to see that you are diggin into this!
I am not a my main pc at the moment, I will test out your patch later
one thing that I would like to add regarding cloudcompare
Its super easy to “cut” a point cloud, but if your file is a 3dmodel and not a point cloud, you can do
then erase the mesh from the working tree and you can use the scissors to cut the pointcloud in parts and erase them
@873hz I checked the file, it works, will check the vvvv example later.
For the probability emitter, it’s kind of normal that it’s emits not all points, because it emits points with the selected probability and then these points are dying according to theirs lifetime.
You can try to increase points lifetime, it will allow you to see all points after an emission period.
Hello, I am now trying to use the ply reader on vvvv gamma 6.0 pre but most of the nodes dont work. Can u help me pls?
hello 873hz, unfortunately the link is expired. can u send it again?