hey i was wondering in the perlin 3d helppatch theres an interesting Figure, but its not a solid, how would you translate the perlin data to a mesh?
so its not just a group of quads.
thank you.
hey i was wondering in the perlin 3d helppatch theres an interesting Figure, but its not a solid, how would you translate the perlin data to a mesh?
so its not just a group of quads.
thank you.
that’s actually a rather tricky problem; it is basically the conversion of a volume to a surface. see wikipedia for an example on how to solve that.
majortom did some related patches on his project page: link.
thanks diki founde xactly what i was looking for, i thouht it was going to be a bit more easy on my Cpu, but itsnot its very very heavy, in comparison to processing