Parallels and gamma in 2024

in preparation for the Link summer camp, i decided to install parallels again to be able to use gamma on my macbook.

unfortunatelly, no luck.
version 5.1 at least starts but produces many error messages and the editor is unusably slow.

version 6 just crashes after 2 seconds splash screen

i tried setting the x86 emulation to strict, but no luck.

what’s really weird is, vvvv beta works like a charm. out of curiosity i installed beta to see if it fails too. but without even setting anything, it just starts, has a working dx9 renderer and is blazingly fast.

why is gamma failing here and the x86 emulation seems not be able to run it. has someone tried this too ? i mean the arm laptops are coming with force to the windows world too and won’t be going away anytime soon.

beta screenshot made on macbook pro m1 with parallels

Looks like it’s in the works:

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You could try this:

Do I understand correctly that the Windows you’re running in Parallels is arm64?

As @bjoern already pointed out, we would love to bring out a Windows-arm64 version of vvvv.
But so far we’re running in a few roadblocks (like for example Windows on Arm support · Issue #2018 · stride3d/stride · GitHub or Non-POD arguments passed incorrectly on ARM64 · Issue #106471 · dotnet/runtime · GitHub) which we’ll need to figure out first.

It would still be interesting though why the x64 version of vvvv doesn’t run under emulation. We know it runs under emulation on a Surface Pro 11. Feel free to post the startup log here and/or any errors from the windows event viewer.

yeah, appearently parallels is officially supported by microsoft and seems to install the windows on arm version on the macbook. windows feels really snappy and not sluggish anymore. there was some hint regarding the arm version somewhere in the system which i need to dig out again and screenshot.

same for the log file, will post this later. it said something about missing libs

what i don’t understand is, that beta is flawlessly detected as x86/x64 application and then proper emulated but gamma not. at least on parallels /macbook.

good to know the emulation works on Surface Pro 11, so there is hope its just a setting

i’m quite happy with the parallels / windows 11 setup. its just made for the macbook, everything works seamless, from installation to programs, its just gamma giving me headaches :) (718 Bytes)

definetely looks like windows on arm, the vvvv log file above.

tried the stable release and it works :)
looks like the preview did not like the VM, for whatever reason. which is totally fine for me because i can patch now.


little update, i tried the new ARM version of vvvv at Link Summercamp. It’s looking good. Works much faster than emulated. Only downside, Stride isn’t working …yet. Thanks elias !


How is the state of the ARM version, is stride implemented now ?

I’m afraid we don’t have any news on this matter.

And any outlook or roadmap?