OSCClient SendMessage does not support non ASCII characters

OSC String sending does not correctly encode characters which fall outside of the base ASCII charset.

Characters like č, é and many others are replaced with a “?”.

This likely comes from using the ASCII encoding when generating message bytes.

I suggest that UTF-8 encoding is used instead or that there is a choice.

Programs like Protokol, Resolume and others support this encoding natively when reading OSC strings.

I have tested this with a custom encoding implementation and it works.

OSCSendStringUTF8.vl (23.6 KB)


yes, because that’s what the OSC specification says. but i guess we’re indeed lucky and can simply change it to UTF8 because that is compatible with ASCII. so as long as you’re communicating between endpoints that both support UTF8, everything will work. as one endpoint doesn’t support UTF8 they would get ?? in cases of non-supported characters.

so thanks for the pointer. fixed in latest preview.

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