hi folks, hi elliot
I want to use the FindBoard(OpenCV) with a Kinect and a DSLR-Kamera sounds easy and there are many ways but there is always a new Wall
convert an EX9-Texture into CVImageLink ?AsImage(OpenCV)?
VideoIn(OpenCV) VideoFormat RGB32bit
mirror a CVImageLink ?Transform(OpenCV)?
I tried all possible Settings in the Software of the Capture Cards
Capture Card
first TRY: BlackMagic IntensityPro no sucess
VideoIn (DeckLink) help.v4p and VVVV.Nodes.OpenCV.FlyCapture.dll aren’t working anymore
also tried some old vvvv versions and VVVV.Packs.Image](https://vvvv.org/contribution/vvvv.packs.image">VVVV.Packs.Image) no sucess
VVVV.Nodes.DeckLink](https://vvvv.org/contribution/vvvv.nodes.decklink">VVVV.Nodes.DeckLink) sucess but EX9 Texture
AsImage(OpenCV) doesn’t exist
VideoIn(OpenCV) no sucess
second TRY Datapath Vision VisionRGB-E1S Capture Cards
VideoIn(OpenCV) sucess but no RGB32 only RGB24 so the Input is mirrored and rotated
Mirror(OpenCV) doesn’t exist
Rotate (OpenCV Continous) has an uniformScale so no negative X possible
found no way to Mirror a CVImageLink with integrated Nodes
VideoIn (DShow9) sucess but EX9 Texture
AsImage(OpenCV) doesn’t exist
Context (OpenCV OpenNI) fine but I found no way to mirror the Kinect Input so both would be mirrored - can I write something in the pin “Creation Info” - what exactly needs this pin
I also was thinking for a screencapture but no screencapture(OpenCV) or does anyone know a VirtualCamera which is recognized by VideoIn(OpenCV) capturing my other screen :P so there are many ways :)
Would be cool if someone have a hammer for one of those walls