Hey everybody,
I am trying to measure the heightmap of a surface in real-time with a webcam. To do so, I was thinking about using a photometric stereo algorithm. By arranging 4 LED strips in the colors red, green, blue and white at known directions in a controlled environment I should be able to get an accurate shading of the surface in the 4 separate color channels. Photometric stereo should enable me to combine those 4 images into a normal map, which can be used to create a height map of the surface.
In GelSight sensors this principle is used in the same way and I found a very cool article for convenience - GelSight Setup. My setup is pretty much the same.
So my question is - does anybody know how to implement such a photometric stereo algorithm inside vvvv gamma? Or is there maybe already an implementation?
I was thinking about using OpenCV as I found some implementations online, but how do I get those implementations on github into vvvv gamma?
Any hint, help or advice is very welcome - Cheers :)