Hi devs
Is it true that .NET 4.0 is still unsupported
It’s necessary for Kinect SDK (.NET rather than c++)
I remember this was true a while back but thought it became a non-issue
am i missing something?
Hi devs
Is it true that .NET 4.0 is still unsupported
It’s necessary for Kinect SDK (.NET rather than c++)
I remember this was true a while back but thought it became a non-issue
am i missing something?
announcement pending…
directx 11?!
♪♫♪♪ Somewhere over the rainbow… ♫♪♫♪
when’s 7-Bit ASCII Art coming? that’s what I wanna know
Don’t do it devvvvs,
I’ve heard you can’t make quads!!!
a) something’s coming soon enough (e.g. days/weeks rather than months) that will change the answer to this question, so rather than me explaining here, just a wait a bit (happy face, expect something soon!)
b) we haven’t announced anything to do with this, we’ll announce it if and when it comes (authoritive face, dont expect anything)
i like where this thread is going… :)
Indeed you send a point and extrude in geometry shader, much more fun :)
Ask vux to stop slacking and publish the c++ plugin ;)
We’re in the process to port vvvv to Atari ST, stay tuned…
Can’t wait till Christmas :)
@flateric please unslack vuxen
@flateric: plz add proper support for STE blitter and dma audio. kthxbye
it is in here: vvvv-sdk-on-github