I’ve found this Projekt last night and done all the Tutorials and are now excited to play mre with it… but I doint know how.
I’ve already burn my time with testing and reading the reference. But I didnt get higher than creating a square wich on rigthclick can change his color and got a filetexture boring
Everytime I come here and look for some referneces I see those amazing images i the head of the page and grind my tooth because I doint know how to build up those fractal Elements.
For Example: I saw the other day a Video where lines fly thru the room in cycles and so… and… I mean: Was this actualy made with vvvv or a 3D-Program?
Are there some Tutorials like “How to create a line fly thru a room” so I can understand how this work?
I’ve played with all the single files so much that I sometimes even modifyed the single lessons so much that the next step was a step back =)
btw: Mabye its because one of my modificartions but a got strange problems with the exquilizer-Patch. Sometimes single objects start jumping up or down only ontime and stay on this new position. I tryed to find out where the problems came from but coulnt find any reason for this.
Screenshot: http://img186.imageshack.us/img186/5572/eqna9.jpg
I also try to build up a workaround to avoid this misbehavior… but it doint work (now). Strange…