Will there be any opportunity to be connected to MatLab?
It will open a newer wide space of application for your software, cause the most image Processing researchers use it for their job.
I think that an import / export function for matrices would be sufficient.
Sorry for the previous anonymous posting. It was a mistake.
Well I have found your software very useful due to their 3D capabilities and its programming paradigm.
Up to yet I am using OpenSG as a SDK for research purposes, while displaying 3D models. But at least OpenSg has a hugen “moment of inertia” if you want to prototype an idea.
Then I have found eyesweb, which has loads of algorithm useful for tracking and object recognition but less 3D capabilities.
If it was christmas right now, I would wish a joint venture between vvvv and eyesweb.
On the ohter hand, a tool which is widely used in my field is the good old MatLab. Which handles easyly mathematical Algortihm and basic object recognition tools in their image processing toolbox.
The Im-/ Export function to MatLab should be a direct one like it is realized in Eyesweb, where they supply a direct block to a MatLab Matrice of the (running) MatLab environment. This means if a matrice “MyMatrice” exist inside the MatLab environment, then I may access it from the software.(e.g. eyesweb)
For me it would be very helpful to have this MatLab link in order to connect vvvv to my own software written in matLab.
Regards from Bremen
P.S: Please don’t feal teased by the references to eyesweb
The gist for those who had the same experience of “huh?” that I had:
“MATLAB is a high-level technical computing language and interactive environment for algorithm development, data visualization, data analysis, and numerical computation. (…) You can use MATLAB in a wide range of applications, including signal and image processing, communications, control design, test and measurement, financial modeling and analysis, and computational biology” (blurb from the Mathworks homepage)
noteworthy is that MATLAB is a rather commercial package at 2400€ per license. Quite hefty.
I presume it would be more in keeping with our roadmap if there were any open source alternatives? I guess then that would be interesting.
concerning tracking/image processing it is now really easy to write a videoplugin base on the freeframe specification and for example the openCV library and introduce any kind of tracking into vvvv. i will upload a sample c++ project soon.
The Im-/ Export function to MatLab should be a direct one like it is realized in >>Eyesweb, where they supply a direct block to a MatLab Matrice of the (running) >>MatLab environment.
i had a very short look at how this might be realised and found that the eyeswebbers provide a module that you can use “in” matlab. right? i guess that this module somehow exposes the data you can then access in eyesweb. now if eyesweb can acess this data it shouldn’t be to hard to access the same data from within vvvv. if we only knew how.
since i don’t want to spend too much time with this (admittedly sounding interesting) issue i’d like to ask you to find out how this is done. best would be a link to a specification of how to access this data (like calling a .dll or maybe they even handle this via an internal network socket) or a link to the place in the eyesweb-sourcecode (isn’t it open?). if you could provide such information and i understand it i would try to get this done.
and there is a point called:
“Calling MATLAB from C and Fortran Programs”
I will try to give a brief description:
MatLab gives access to their data via a small engine, which is encapsulated in a COM-object.
To use it you only have to add engine.h to your header, which is provided by MatLab.
An example may be found here http://www.mathworks.com/access/helpdesk/help/techdoc/matlab_external/ch_java5.html#25603
I think that is all.
Thanks for your support.
I will start to spread the announcement, that it will be christmas, won’t I ?
concerning tracking/image processing it is now really easy to write a videoplugin base on the freeframe specification and for example the openCV library and introduce any kind of tracking into vvvv. i will upload a sample c++ project soon.
The Im-/ Export function to MatLab should be a direct one like it is realized in >>Eyesweb, where they supply a direct block to a MatLab Matrice of the (running) >>MatLab environment.
i had a very short look at how this might be realised and found that the eyeswebbers provide a module that you can use “in” matlab. right? i guess that this module somehow exposes the data you can then access in eyesweb. now if eyesweb can acess this data it shouldn’t be to hard to access the same data from within vvvv. if we only knew how.
since i don’t want to spend too much time with this (admittedly sounding interesting) issue i’d like to ask you to find out how this is done. best would be a link to a specification of how to access this data (like calling a .dll or maybe they even handle this via an internal network socket) or a link to the place in the eyesweb-sourcecode (isn’t it open?). if you could provide such information and i understand it i would try to get this done.
seems like i would have to install matlab to try anything…or is that com-object available anywhere? since we are talking delphi over here it will not be as easy as including “engine.c”. but we’ll have to translate that header…somehow…
if i could have a look at that file i would maybe understand more. do you have it?