i need 2 know how 2 map a simple box.
input device = webcam
different boxes rotate / equalizing with audio input.
i want 2 map the webcam video onto one or all boxes…how does it work?
does it work?
yes, thats possible. for the purpose of learning i´d suggest, taking a Quad and connecting a VideoTexture to it. now you will have your webcam image on the quad. connect a Camera (Softimage). (follow the HowTo DX Rendering tutorial for the details) then take a Transform (3d) and use spreads to draw 6 Quads instad of one and move the six faces to the right positions to get a proper cube.
somebody might already published a module for that…
after pressing a button/key one box should morph 2 the front (gettin bigger)…
checkout Decay (Animation), Oscillator (Animation), and Damper (Animation), Keyboard (Global) and Keymatch. Press F1 to get a help patch when you have selected a specific node.