"Manage nuget" not available in VL?


I wanted to follow this tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=3200&v=4hPH5CokxwQ&feature=emb_logo

And play around with openCV in VL (I am new to VL). First step is to go to “manage nugets” but this menu item is not available for me. (Did a fresh install of latest beta40). What am I doing wrong?

That’s been two years, it’s now in the menu to the left (the little square):

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since this is a global setting for the machine, it moved one level up into the “Quad Menu”:


Ahhhh, I see. Makes perfect sense.

I just installed it via cd - path in the end.

Thanks for the quick techsupport tonfilm :) VL can be a bit overwhelming at first.

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