Make VL.Fuse for dumbs

a bit provocative title but let me explain myself,
so I do know how much effort has been put on VL.Fuse in general, especially from @texone as well from @everyoneishappy , @dottore and @sebescudie and I am very thankful for this.

However I have noticed that it is extremely hard for me to get really into it, most of the patches are over-complicated and when it comes to Particles in particular I feel that I just don’t get it.
No matter how much time I ll spend on it, seems to be almost impossible to get what I ask for, and to be honest this is the major reason that usually I am falling back to Notch FX.
I do understand that VL.Fuse is a community side project and it comes with strings attached cause of gamma and its workflow, as well is mostly endorsed by a well known and big studio, nonetheless, a simpler and more accessible version would make a huge difference out there.

Please dont get my word wrong or interpreted as a complain (even if it is one), I am just saying that it would be really amazing to have a nice and neat tool as it supposed to be for people who mostly work under pressure and on site.

My best to all the people who brought this power to gamma, keep it up!


Hey @nissidis

I am asking out of curiosity: have you seen the Fuse workshop series on the node institute?

I have never had the chance to work with Notch FX and I don’t know how “easy” and “out of the box” it is. To my experience Fuse has an “aha” moment, from then on it becomes very fun!

Personally I still do a lot of copy/pasting rather than just patching through a project from zero to exe. And, I can undrestand that it is not ideal to thumb through Fuse helppatches while on-site under pressure, but it hasn’t been a show stopper so far!

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+1 here
I remember there was some talking about high level and low level patching in Fuse a while ago


+1 +2 here,
Its quite sad for me, after many years using vvvv beta for almost every daily task, to see after some months , a strange feel of seeing fuse quite abandoned.
Without being misunderstood, and appreciating all the hard work and effort behind,
since long time ago i found quite difficult to develop prototypes and ideas under fuse,what is a pity.
The low level design is amazing, but becomes a quite hard task to make it work and get results ,
That nowadays are very accessible using other tools.
Im sure a more direct approach, will make many people engage to vvvv for rendering and visual fx.
Just a little thought from someone who miss that sense of feeling ,that what i can achieve with vvvv is faster and different from the other choices.


@amir this is a legit argument indeed, however 680 euros for the course might be fair, but it is not that comfortable / affordable atm. I ll keep this in mind, and once I have the chance I ll get it, although my point is closer to what @AKa-visuals is also saying above.
Anyways, I ll do my best to catch up and see how far I can go with it!

Would it maybe make sense to set up something like “High-Level Particle Tools” as a project on OpenCollective, so people can donate towards it?

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