Lumax (Devices) & ILDA

Hello there,
any help with lumax? I have Pangolin controller FB3QS connected to laserworld cs1000rgb. Lumax status says that i dont have any drivers installed. Where can i get them. Seems like and have move on with their doings…

I want to draw lissajous curves, I think that this is easy part, first just connecting LFO with X&Y when it works i can make steps forward to add audio signals.

Quicshow from pangolin site works, it’s ok. But I need real-time lissajous.

(first year with v4)

indeed they seem to have moved to: Minilumax Light Interface
scroll down for the “usb-driver” on that page.

thank you! ok, but where to i have to put them?

you install the driver by unzipping the download. then plug in the device and when windows ask for installing a driver from a location you point it to the unzipped download.