It’s possible to get into an unrecoverable state when patching something while VL is stopped.
I noticed something crashing two times (more on that hopefully later while investigating), so I stopped VL, patched it again, resumed the runtime and am now locked in this corrupted state.
vvvv.exe /showexceptions, Windows Event Viewer aren’t of any help, RuntimePauseOnError isn’t catching it early enough it seems. Crashes anyway.
Will report back if I figure out how to resolve it and what caused it.
Opening the vl file without vvvv executing the application helped at least.
This is the part that was causing it, I think it happened when connecting the Spread IOBox …
Not able to spot the error though.
Not sure if it fits in here.
But while the patch crashed when doing what I described above, I now got rid of this entirely and seem to have a Crash upon Deserialization.
Original issue was not connected to this though … generally speaking there are errors that would ideally need to be caught, at least printing some meaningful error to some file would help - I don’t mind VL crashing, but some help to resolve it would be superb.
The Create in the Deserialize? Hm indeed if that one is missing the whole thing could blow up into a nice stack overflow which would also explain the lack of error reports you get. Will need to think on that what could be done, probably will need to count up internally and cause an early error as stack overflow sadly can’t be catched and lead to immediate application crash.