Furthermore it has a link with description “More information about formatting options” which links to https://vvvv.org/filter/tips which has “Compose tips” as description. Its content is actually not a lot and some of it doubles up the content on the edit page itself. So maybe this can be written directly on the edit page?
Also I don’t know what “long help” is supposed to mean.
Much more important is actually the WikiSyntax | vvvv which should be linked to on the edit page, I think.
the vvvv.org website is based on drupal. the confusing information you’re referring too is coming right from drupal. i understand your concerns and we could now certainly go modify their sources but i’m afraid doing such modifications at this point (after 10 years that nobody mentioned it) is probably not going to happen. making changes like this to the underlying sources (even though only of the content) makes it harder to keep track of changes when updating. a future version of the website will have to be more clear on such things of course.
link to the syntax is already there:
oh, cut of here, but you see what i mean. rightmost link: “Futher WikiSyntax”