Line/Tube from points

LineFromPoints.vl (100.0 KB) I’m trying to create a line node for stride, just in CPU for now,can’t think my way out of this. So there are a couple of questions in the patch, how to rotate a segment in the direction of the next and how to index the mesh properly, as the dynamic mesh example seems to make too many indices, and I need to close the loop.
Any help would be great, including, youre doing this totally wrong…

i think the approach and flow of information aren’t wrong if you really want to patch it. but as you noticed, creating the vertices, indices, normals, and other bits and pieces is very complicated, time-consuming, and error-prone.

the more high-level approach to this problem is to look into a library that does these kinds of things for you, for example:

if you watch the NODE20 “importing libraries workshop” by @elias you will have a basic setup to using the library. it uses this lib as an example in the workshop:

however, you would need to research first, whether the lib will be able to do what you want. but it seems to be quite extensive, so quite likely it contains the operations you are trying to do.

TubeGenerator You might be right!

Might need some help here, memory leak and pink node while following the tutorial. I’m hoping creating v3 vectors is included later as thats the bit I need help with for my current project. ( its was 13GB before stopping the patch) (834.5 KB) The VL.G3____.vl is the problem patch the other the one I’m working onwards with

I haven’t quite nailed this but:

MeshGenDemo.vl (211.7 KB)
I haven’t managed managed to figure out how the texture coordinates should be correctly laid out, but the hardest part was probably the working out the indices.

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This g3 library does look good, and deals with indices, and I guess Tex coords, but at the same time this libraries mostly confuse and perplex me with ‘magic’ beyond my ken! At least you got lookat working! :) I might regress and try a mix approach!

O great gods of WTF am I doing, This is where I have given up
Bless me with your arcane knowledge of the runes and read these entrails of great portent… (829.3 KB)

LineFromPoints.vl (103.8 KB) Or tell me where I am going wrog with orientating sections, as I have fix the loop, by repeating a point, so it just needs to orient nicely, and I could feel like I haven’t totally wasted days trying to do somethng simple.

LineFromPoints.vl (116.7 KB)
Ok this is pretty much there. Needs end caps, has TexCoords, and it looks ok, I tjhink, should work for @hadasi too (using bits of your patch and bits of mine)


looking good, glad you got something working.

Got gimbal issues with circles etc, is there any way to look at with just yaw and pitch so you dont get rotation over the length of the spline?

LineFromPoints.vl (187.1 KB)


i’m afraid i believe the answer to this question is ParallelEpiped rather than LookAt. There is a node called AlignToPath that simplifies the ParallelEpipeds usage. Here is an example:
Tube.vl (65.5 KB)
But it looks like this also has a few glitches…would have to investigate to see where these come from… so really the geometry3Sharp lib should be the way to go.

LineFromPoints.vl (205.0 KB)
That works better :)
I think I’m more likely to be able to make a shader version than get my head around wrapping the functions in that library to honest, although it does look really useful. I failed at even following Elias tutorial!

As we’re still working on more fundamental functionality, it would be great to establish a little user work group that takes the kick off patches from the workshop and develops a first WIP package that can be extended on demand. Any takers?

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@tonfilm do you mean specifically for Line/Tube from points, or do you mean something more broad? For instance do you mean developing missing nodes from your direction, or us users pinpointing areas where gaps need to be filled showing attempts we’ve made (like here?)

I was just thinking about a basic setup that demonstrates one or two nodes, doesn’t matter what exactly. So everyone can start with it right away and have a better chance to add what they need.

That was what I was hoping the tutorial would do, and it did to a certain extent, except for a pink node that I couldn’t fix. But then theres no documtenation for the polyline / tube as there was for the marching cubes, which Elias mentions he tried a couple of methods to get there anyway. This is beyond poor idiots like me I’m afraid

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