is there anything like a Helpfile to get Kontrolleur started.
I seem to be a little bit too dumb to figure out how to actually
send multiple arguments to the phone in the given format aka. /k/add sssfffff
And how the heck do i make it run like it is running in the demo- video on vimeo… i mean… io box connected to what?/ read out the descriptive name and so on how?
Sorry if this is too noobish, but i have no clue how this works. Getting the data FROM the phone is working like charm btw.
My failure was, that i didn´t write the typetag-format as ONE single sequence of characters (like “sssfffff”) but connected a spread of 8 single characters.
What´s left is the Question about how to control the interface via changing io-boxes as shown in the video.
The functionality so far (constructing single interfaceobjects does work but with no loopback of any values as i mentioned) is looking like this will be a VERY nice feature. looking forward to that.
Fantastick looks great, but I recently switched from iOs to Android so it´s no real option.
At the moment i was just thinking of using kontrolleur for simulating some sensor- data for debugging-tasks while working on an multisensordriven installation.
Kontrolleur would have been my first choice due to the very tight implementation into vvvv (as it looked like in the video ;-) ).
For now i´ll just use touchosc or FingerPlayMidi or such and come back to Kontrolleur later.
Control (Control) is nearly there - he recently released dynamic interface creation via OSC messages. Android port is (not wholly) functional now - only a matter of time to catch up, the intent is to be fully crossplatform. I’ve been meaning to compile it for my android, but can’t find the time. :-(
Latest code here: GitHub - charlieroberts/Control at develop
Ah, ok. I just found the node in newest beta and no further info. Let us know as soon continue, I like the idea of staying grey on my handheld as well. ;)
hello , i tested today kontrolleur , i got it half working the endless and slide ,only the endless reacting in the vvvv patch .
i did it by changing the names of the ioboxes and in the prefix trying diferent words like s , e , t etc .
i could not get multiple controls as in the video , also screen and text not in right size using Samsung galaxy Ace . but it looks promising . i,ll wait for next release . thanks joreg