i am using the kinect node from vux. i have done a view things with the skeleton… everything works fine.
Now I need a ‘simple’ gesture detection. I tried the Gesture node for this. Is there a help file or any info about this node? which gestures are supported?
any chance to have grasp (grab) feature? I found c# example and compiled well (and is quite interesting and stable), but not enough coding experience to write from scratch…
Hi all!
Sorry for asking again,but is there a way of using the gesture recognition from the Microsoft SDK 1.7 and the nodes from vux directly in vvvv right now?
Of course I tried, using vvvv b30.2 x86 with addonpack and the DX11 nodes from vux. But no luck.
The link to the node description isn’t working.
Thanks for your support and sorry if I just missed something. But I really don’t know what by now…
EDIT: I think I need to check, if SDK 1.7 is installed on the machines i’m working with right now…
EDIT: Ok, installing SDK 1.7 solved it. Sorry again, but this wasn’t very obvious to me. Usually the nodes just become red. However, looks like fun for tomorrow :)
i think the official grib / grasp gesture (open / closed hand detection) is not included on github yet? though i think vux have implemented it - according to some screenshot.
maybe vux can say something about it? :)
also a general question, since the implementation is for dx11 is if someone is working on dx9 compatibility?
I think it would be nice to have the 1.7 for dx9 as well. I could code the 1.7 grib stuff for dx9, but would rather not do double work if it is done already.
@ethermammoth on github I can see Vux is using Fizbin.Kinect.Gestures with the following gestures:
Any suggestion how to browse/select with single hand cursor?
Found solutions like to stop on a button for a certain time, but I find it too slow; tried to put a press detection on left hand, but it’s not comfortable.
Only way out is grip. Or finger detection, so I can keep my hand steady on selected item and pop out a finger to confirm :) hey, show your finger! ;)