Hi all!
Probably you know what is an IP address, for example vvvv.org domain has IP address where numbers can vary from 0 to 255.
There are few vvvv nodes related to this network topic, for example you can ping an IP address (there is a node for that, right?) and the server can respond or not.
Ok, now immagine to ping all IP addresses, I mean all, the whole vintage Internet IPv4 space, and to visualize somehow that information, for example a red dot if the server answers to the ping.
Yes, you can also scan for other informations, like open ports, if it has an FTP or HTTP service running, and other Nerd stuff, by now I am pinging all the IPv4 addresses in the holy Internet and visualizing it on a website, for example vvvv.org is one of the red squares in this picture https://ip-v4.space/?subnet=148.251.126.
It is a lot of data, saved in JSON format (I could export it also on CSV or something else) and it would be interesting to feed vvvv with that data to visualize it, maybe in 3d. I have done some experiment like this in the past, for example mapping the IPv4 space on a sphere and there is a trippy maps that in my opionion fit well, it is the Hopf map (yes, yet another German mathematician, I need to learn German to read good mathematics) but that is just a trip of mine.
I would like to share the data and see how you could visualize it.
I can help writing patches, nodes, or shaders (if I still remember how to do it :) but I prefer to keep the focus on the scanning, which requires some effort, right now it is around 85% completed (it is the whole IPv4 addresses of the Internet) and I would like to improve it, make it faster and add more informations like the country of the IP (which I have no idea how it could be visualized).
If you want to join or just want the data (for free, no interaction or exchange required), or you are curious and you would like to talks about it just for fun, of course we are going to meet at the Hacker space at node 2017, fucking yeah!