IOBox x-slider behaviour

i just noticed an odd behaviour of the iobox configured as a slider, which seems pretty inconsistant.

try this:

  • create an iobox (value)

  • enable “show slider” in inspector and leave “slider behaviour” at “endless”
    → the y-value can be changed as usual

  • now turn the slider into an x-slider by changing “slider constraints” to “scY”. now you can notice two things
    → the x-slider cannot be moved (i.e. x-value changed) , as long as the slider is in “endless” mode.
    → if the y-value was non-zero it can be changed normally by right-click-dragging, but only until it is zero (then it sticks there)

i would assume that:

  • when the slider is configured as “scY” and in endless mode that it should be able to be able to change the x-value similar to changing the y-value, when it is configured as scX
  • changing the “other” value should either be possible or not possible when one of the constraints is chosen. first being able to change y until it reaches zero does not make any sense to me…

it seems this behaviour has been there for quite some time (checked back until b33.7) and it seems as it does not bug many patchers. still, it feels kind of weird, especially when you’re teaching newbies and have a hard time to explain these things ;)

indeed bug and feature:

  • bug: the value sticking to 0 is resolved. value simply does not change now as it is set to be constrained
  • feature: the endless mode was always only made to work for Y. can’t remember why so i added endless mode for X now

great. thanks for the clarification and fix!

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