I have a hardware setup including two monitors. My problem is to syncronise these two monitorsin VVVV. Actually, one of them have a slight delay which create a lag effect in the video, very disturbing.
My setup in VVVV is the following :
Each quad represent a monitor, the monitors use the same DVI signal via a DVI splitter an display only their region of interest (notice that I can’t change the hardware !)
I tried two things :
using a queue node : I couldnt understand how to make it work well…
using another filestream : streaming the same file and using the position of the first + some delay to seek in the second… (makes the second one so laggy seek function isn’t build for that.
using another filestream : to delay the play time via a bang. the video start together but a delay appear after a few loops.
any simple solution ?