than put your graphics card into horizontal span mode via the driver options and go fullscreen with the directxrenderer set to 2400x600 (via inspektor). play the movie on one quad scaled by 2 to fill the screen.
else try with a translate node on the view-pin of the renderer.
I wanted to use VVVV so I can also do some light triggering over DMX.
I was hoping I could just sellect a piece off the ‘movie screen’ (800*600 pixels) and put it on any display I please. Attachwed a picture to make it clear…
I don’t have 4 screens here (yet ;) ) to test your idea, but I will do that this week.
interesting. could you check if they have dx9 drivers for that card. i suppose not.
you can do so by typing “dxdiag” in the Start/Run box.
there. on the 3 tab (display) in the right box (driver) it says DDI-Version: which means the directx-version the driver is for.
despite the picture i dont understand what you are trying to achieve:
"I was hoping I could just sellect a piece off the ‘movie screen’ (800*600 pixels) and put it on any display I please. "
but if you know what to test next tell us your results.
I used the ‘simplequad’ node, setting Passes 1 to 3 (for my 3 Renderer (DX9) nodes)
Played arround with X,Y, Width and Height, and now I have 1/3 of the BIG (2400*600 pixels) movie on 3 seperate Renderer (DX9).
I attached my simple patch.
Next big trick is going to be if I can set every renderer on fullscreen to my separate screens.
What I wanted from the start, is that I wanted to be able to just ‘grab’ a selection off the movie, and play arround with that. I mean, imagine I have a small shiny yellow sun in my movie, can’t I just ‘cut it out’ and only display that.
Hi West
I dont think its possible to full screen more than 1 renderer at the moment hence the horizontal span suggestion, as for cutouts couldnt you create it as a “sprite” and overlay it on your movie then manipulate it that way?
Or maybe Im missing the point!
“I dont think its possible to full screen more than 1 renderer at the moment hence the horizontal span suggestion”
right. but the upcomming version will do. if! the driver supports 4 individual desktops/screens. we have a parhelia here with 3 outputs where i only can use 3 monitors in span mode. not in “trippleview”.
“Want so much… so less time… is there a “create more time” node??”
we’ve been working on that for years now, but it is still too buggy to release…
The picture I posted, the one with my patch, I just dragged the seperate Renderes to each off my 3 output screens, and stretched them manualy to fit each screen.
No it ‘looks’ like the movie is ‘stretched’ over 3 screens.
The only problemm is that now I have the ‘window’ above and below, but I asume that the ‘zoom’ function on my projector can handle that. Otherwise I have to play arround with GAFA tape or something ;)
And I have to manualy tweak some settings to make it look like it is one screen use.
Will post a picture as soon as it works again. :) Because I can’t ‘save’ these settings.
And it seems like my PC is having a VERY hard time :( The bugger is prety slow…
there is a ugly workaround with using the Window node for resizing a render window to full screen and ShowWindow for occasionally putting it to front.
note that these fake full screen modes will not have the full performance and will show tearing artifacts, as they are not synced to the screen refresh rate,
and the new version will help you avoiding these workarounds.