How to control computer fans with Arduino UNO + vvvv (Firmata)

Hi guys,

currently I am struggeling with the electronics in my following project. I hope you can help me. Thanks for any advices!

I would like to control a bunch of computer fans (5V or 12V) by using an Arduino UNO (+ external 12V power supply) and vvvv with the StandardFirmata. But I am struggeling with the electronics.

There is already a working prototype with 4x 5V Fans (each 2 wired), but I can’t manage them to be controlled with vvvv. The fans start to rotate but I don’t know how to control them.

  • Do you have an example for a working, easy circuit? This would be awesome!
  • Shall I use 12V fans (3 wired) or 5V fans (2 wired)?
  • Which transistors, resistors are best for this case?

Thanks a lot for any help!

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For 10/20 euro you can get a ‘ready to go 8 channel relay board’.

A relay is a like a physical switch, works with a magnet, that you can turn on or of using the digital output of the arduino, just with firmata.

Relays are built for high power AC, but 12 volts DC will work just as well.

The 3th wire of a fan is for feedback, but you don’t use that anyway.

This is the most easy way I can think of. Just needs the relay board, an arduino uno, some wires and a power supply for the fans.

Without fans, you are looking at a 40 euro max investment!!

Controlling speed using PWM and a mosfet/transistor is not good for the fans.

“Controlling speed using PWM and a mosfet/transistor is not good for the fans.”

Why not? Surely this is happening with computer fans all the time?

Is it PWM or just dimming? either way, google lied to me!!

You are right, lol, just misread, never done it, well, cool, forget the Relay’s!! :D

I have only PWM-ed leds strips using a big-ass mosfet. There is some current feedback we get when the fan starts to turn, so that needs a diode. Forget the code, cozz that is what firmata is doing for you, try to PWM it :D

Hi westbam, himrboni,

thanks a lot for your input. To use Mosfets seem to be the better way. I was trying to build up a curcuit. See next post …

Finally I could manage to run four 5 Volt fans with the Arduino. With the 12 Volt Power Input, they get super fast. I used some TO-92 Transistors. It is now possible to control the fans via Firmata and PWM:

Here is the patch using the StandardFirmata based on Westbams awesome tutorial:

My questions:

  • the fans run faster, if the pwm-values are lower. 0 = fast, 1 = low/stop. How can I solve this?
  • the fans don’t run quiet exactly. Sometimes too fast, sometimes too slow. How can solve this problem? Maybe using some resistors? If yes, where to plug?

Thanks again for your help!


just to be sure: in your last picture you got 5V Fans, but a 12V power supply, they will run faster, but also probably break at some point…

Im far from being an electronics expert, so if in doubt ask google about my suggestions haha

Try a 5V Voltage source with sufficient amperage. There should be a lable on the fan stating how much current it draws. multiply that value by the voltage and if that exceeds the 0,5W of your transistor, consider buying another transistor!

make sure your transistor is made for a 5V Gate voltage… some might not fully switch on the 5V of the arduino, they need a certain threshold voltage.

Common ground is probably a good idea as well, connect the arduino ground with the voltage source ground.
And you might want to add a resistor (>10k) between gate and ground…

you are on the right track, but i think you will burn out your arduino doing this…

i will back up what soriak said… but i would do this in 2 stages for the sake of learning.

start by powering the arduino normally, then take 5v from the arduino to power the breadboard (with transistor, ONE motor, and you will prob need a resistor somewhere to be safe, prob a back-current doide aswell, but thats getting ahead of ourselves)
…and then complete the power by returning from the breadboard to the ground on the arduino.
get that working, then move on…

then try with more motors. for this i would run a seperate power supply for the motors, as you will draw too much current through the arduino and blow it up.
…so, keep the arduino powered normally and swap the 5V for a seperate supply. then keep the ground wire from the breadboard to the arduino AND also connect the breadboard ground to your 2nd power supply. this keeps a common ground between the two which is wierd, but makes sense later. (took me ages to understand that one…)

[ disclaimer - i am not an expert, just trying to pass on wot i learnt this summer ]( disclaimer - i am not an expert, just trying to pass on wot i learnt this summer )
…i would draw you a diagram, but have to go to sleep, sorry

Hi Markusch,

If you need to control speed of your fans you need pwm pins (you can access 6 with Uno and 14 with Mega) . If there is no need of speed control you can use any of the arduino pin (analog also, except occupied by Serial communication with vvvv).

I suggest you to check ULN2003 IC for powering your motors. Very old and easy to use Darlington array. Everything included (no need to use external elements) and cheap as dirt. Also breadboard friendly in DIP version. Suitable for both scenarios (with/without speed control).
I’ve used a bunch of this IC to pwm control my led strips with Arduino Mega, Firmata and vvvv.

That ULN2003 looks a winner, 7 channels, 500mA per channel and a flyback diode but cheaper than a hamburger!!

Thank you guys for your great input! As I said, I am not an electronic expert. So this is big help for me.

I am on my way, it is getting better. I would like to use simple components such as restitors, the diode, if it is possible.

  • I used the circuit from one ksps links (the pdf)
  • Now the fans run smoothly without that weird noise. But I can’t stop them completely. If the value is 0, the fans still run slowly.
  • I used 220 Ohm resistors, a higher one such as 1 kOhms is too much. The fans get too slow.
  • the resistors get quiet hot. Is that normal? Using a diode didn’t make it better.

I don’t see your schematics, but something wrong. Here is the proper ones.
And the tutorial

Check your transistor pin-out and the type. You need bipolar NPN transistor.
It should be 0V at base pin (corresponding Arduino output pin) when you send 0 to the output. You can check with voltmeter. The diode here only for back-current protection of your transistor. It doesn’t change the logic of the operation.

BTW don’t be afraid of using IC’s. ULN2003 is the same, but everything packed for you in one chip. The design is great, outputs in front of inputs. You need less wiring and the schematics is much simplified. The only reason to do that with external components is willing to practice electronics basics, and it’s good!

Okay, great! Just have ordered the ULN2003A and will have a try with it. Thanks!

Hey Markush,

I don’t insist of using that ULN chip. Don’t give up! We can help you with your setup also if you wish.

Thats okay. As a reward for your help I would like to provide a nice tutorial. So if you prefer a better solution, such as the ULN, then lets do it. A scheme for the setup would be awesome!

Here it is.

I’m not familiar with Fritzing tool,that you are using, but I attached a project (zip), so you can edit it.

From vvvv side I’m using BasicMata, which is simplified Firmata.
I cut out unnecessary (for my setup) functions like digital io. Just send pwm signals to 14 Arduino Mega outputs.

Feel free to ask. That the only topic that I can be useful here at the moment. I’m an engineer struggling like you, but with patching, rendering and stuff))) (8.7 kB)
vvvv2BasicMata (14pwm).v4p (15.0 kB)

Thanks a lot, 2nz. This looks much much better. As soon as I have the ULN2003A, I am going to inform you how it works.

About your current setup:

The heat of your current setup might be that your Fans require a lot of power, so you might want to add ‘head-sink’ to your TO-92, for cooling, but lack of diode might also be killing your transistor.

You might want to use a pull down resistor, to be sure a digital 0 is really a zero.
(interesting link here)

So many ways to do this, loving this thread!! :)

Hi guys!

First of all you are avvvvesome and sorry for my late response. My new Arduino got delivered today (Yes, I already destroyed two UNOs, hehe).

The ULN2003A is a blast and works super good. Fan 1 and 2 are easy to control with vvvv. Finally I am very close to my goal. So thanks again for your help. As I mentioned I would like to provide a tutorial as a contribution for you.

But there are some issues, I would like to ask you:

The Setup:

Status quo (Video):

– Fan 1 and 2 work perfectly.
– Fan 3 and 4 don’t work.
– Using 1x or 2x ULN2003A lets move just Fan 1 and 2.
– The Setup is very noisy. Wierd sounds! Especially from Fan 4.How can I avoid them?
– Here: Electrical source is the Vin Pin of the Arduino UNO with an 12 Volt external Power Supply.

My questions to you:

  • How can I avoid the noises? Using resistors? I have used 220Ohms, but it didn’t work.
  • Maybe it is better to connect the setup to a 12 Volt Power Supply?
  • Is the Setup correct? Or can you provide me a better one. This would be perfect.

Chers and thanks again


for circuit improvement: try not to power the whole circuit through the arduino as all the current for the motors will have to pass through your arduino board. in your first picture you had a little breadboard poweradapter, use it! you can power the arduino via Vin! (although you don’t need it as long as it is connected to an usb port…) I’m not familiar with the ULN2003A, but given that 2nz’s schematic is right, the setup looks good!
maybe you can post your arduino sketch and your vvvv patch?
might be that 2nz’s setup for the arduino mega doesn’t work for you because the pwm pins on the uno are different as far as i remember…