How to connect a DSLR?

Hello everybody!

Sorry if this sounds stupid.

I’ve just started vvvv, watched the tutorials, searched the forums and read as much as I could, but I still don’t know why I don’t see my DSLR camera when I add a VideoIn node. I have downloaded DX11,Imagepack, EDSDK, but the nodes are still red.

As I was reading, I noticed many users referred to their setup as “camera connected via USB”. I have a Canon 60D, with USB and mini HDMI outputs, What I am trying to do is to get the live feed (I’m not filming) into vvvv, then chroma key the feed and project it. On a Mac I could grab the live feed with LiveCamera, but I am using a PC this time.

Is it possible to connect a DSLR to a PC via USB or miniHDMI without a capture card?

Thank you so much for your support! Any bit of help is highly appreciated :)
Problem with EDSDK - #4 by bildwerk - question - Forum try the version from forum post

USB capture is pretty lame, get an HDMI capture card instead.

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