Kalle´s Projector fx is grouped with a normal Constant fx.
I can t fix the z buffer problem and it seems like Projector fx doesn t like the alpha channel.
What I am trying to achieve is the 2 fx to blend gracefully together, the Constant should just have a full texture, while the Projector fx should cast a rounded shaped on top of it.
Try to use alpha snippets from shadersnippets . ZWriteEnable is hack way, and can’t help you when you need to blend different kind of meshes with alpha channel. Yes, 2 pass alpha calculation is slower, but works really nice. Just copy paste this techniques to shaders that you use, if you will have problems with compiling - share your code.
hi ALG, I can’t get the code from the Shader snippet working to solve this blending meshes alpha problem. It’s compiling but just doesn’t really seem to do a lot. Is the code def good? Could you make an working version please?