For a live performance I need to chroma key the Video Input from a camera and merge it with another background video from a file.
I’m pretty new to vvvv and I’m encountering some problems which I cannot solve myself.
I tried some different approaches but none of them seems to work to my satisfaction. I tried to use the node ColorKey and it works fine as long as the keyed footage comes from a file (Filestream). However, when I try to input the VideoIn, the keying does not work.
What am I doing wrong? Why is “ColorKey” not working with VideoIn? (My camera is working and I can display the camera content via “Quad”->“Renderer”)
The second problem I am encountering is the masking: I only need a small rectangle of the filmed footage to be processed. The filmed green screen does not fill out the whole the view field of the camera so I want to cut out a rectangle and only key this area. The area around the green screen shall be cut off (alpha)
Then I want to merge this keyed rectangle of the footage on to a background image with “Group”.
So far my approach to the masking is this:
Quad → Renderer → DX9 Texture → Blend with VideoIn
Could you please help me with the live video chroma keying and masking?
Thanks in advance.
Edit: I attached the patch with my progress so far. Just edit the two Filestream nodes to show two different images from your hdd… The filestream on the top left is supposed to be the VideoIn later. It gets masked and then merged with another background image or video.
Why is the border of the mask so bad and jagged?
colorkey-and-mask-test.v4p (10.8 kB)