Hi, all,
I am using a CCTV, for video tracking, which is Sony SSC-M183, B/W camera + Radeon X1950 graphic card(suoer great quality to me) with XP.
My quetion is that I can sometimes see stop the video quickly like a flashing and play again when I use this camera. moreover, as comparing between CCD CCTV and Webcam. I expected CCD CCTV faster than Webcam. but I feel Webcam is faster than CCD CCTV. It seems an error I guess. Do I need to set up others for CCTV?
My webcam works fine. only problem with B/W CCTV which is that I mainly use for project.
so you are using this analog B/W camera with a capture card, right? or does the radeon x1950 have a capture input?
if you are using a separate capture-card you may try the btwincap driver which is reported to be better/faster in some cases.
I expected CCD CCTV faster than Webcam. but I feel Webcam is faster
how do you feel that?
always set videoformat on the VideoIn node to RGB24 (if available) when connecting it downstream to one of the freeframe/tracker nodes. else, if only for display you’d rather choose a YUV format. in both cases this is for performance.
its not just the lens, there are usually tiny pins to turn of whats usually called AGC or refer to oschatz’s collection of words.
don’t think u should mess with the driver in the first place. what’s the name of your capture card ?.
this might be a stupid question but are u moving the cam like crazy and your videocable is not the best one. cos flashes and stops might be the result of the grabber loosing the videosignal from the cam.
Hi, u7angel.
Thx your consideration. I have done I made a small mistake not to set up at a node as joreg said. ;) also I will keep your advice as well.