I have this patch and many questions…
First of all, is it possible to use Tokenizer without a Prefix ?
I would like to buffer all incoming character until I hit the Postfix… or trigger the postfix via “timeout”
Lets say a device just sends me “0x01,0x02” and nothing else… I would like to buffer those 2 bytes
anyway, I did “solve” this from my “Arduino” side… I have a device sending data to the serial port, at 500000baud , just for testing I am sending a consecutive list of messages , just a stream of bytes,
I add 2 letters as header to simplify the example , the w and the z will be cutted due to the tokenizer node
If I check the arduino console, I can see the list, so no bottleneck on the sending device, cable, or receiver device
But my “queue” from the vvvv side is missing a lot of messages… BUT… if I do a S+H i get a Spread<Spread> at the output of the Tokenizer
Manualy hitting a S+H I can take a look of all the data. and its all there, and nothing is missing
So what can I do to avoid loosing data ?
I would like to be able to ceate a quewe with all the messages
I am using the PostFix node from tokenizer that does just what I am looking for…
I think I can inyect the “ending” payload after a timeout of no data to solve the first problem.
The second issue is still ongoing, also I realized there is a 0x18 at the beginning of each frame
and I am not sending that…