I have a problem with VVVV versions. I would need a working/stable version of VVVV for my thesis and I don’t know how to do it … with every of these versions I have some issues:
In version VVVV45beta25.1:
working quite well
VLC is working
going Fullscreen on two screens renderer becomes gray
Text(EX9): some parameters are not spreadable and has less parameters
Decons and Store is not in that version
Version VVVV45beta26 is the best working for me at all, but I have issues with:
going Fullscreen on two screens renderer becomes gray
some nodes (eg. Segment) sucks a lot of performance on parameter change and on open
Feedbacks creates problems
VLC is working (19/12/2011)
In version VVVV45beta27:
Fullscreen is ok
nodes are ok
has become faster
VLC (20/12/2011) creates troubles if I use more than one and crashes if I delete and create one dynamically
I have some strange behaviours with CreateNode
random crashes
In the latest VVVV45alpha27.1
VLC is not working anymore
Delaunay (3D) is missing
Splines/Particles doesn’t really work for me and other issues
Is there perhaps a version between 26 and 27 which doesn’t have the fullscreen and the parameter change slowdown issues and where VLC works?
Or will there be a new working VLC version for beta27 or alpha27.1?
Why don’t you integrate the VLC player as the standard video node for VVVV?
It’s really frustrating that I have to cut out something in every version…
i get your frustration, but if those problems:
a) VLC is not working anymore
b) Delaunay (3D) is missing
c) Splines/Particles doesn’t really work for me and other issues
you mentioned for a27.1 are the only ones left i am optimistic.
ad a) @ft)) will have to rebuild the plugin with this in mind: ((blog:direct3d9-plugin-interface-change
he didn’t yet put his sources on github, so we cannot include it in the addonpack.
ad b)
should be a quickfix for @vux)) as mentioned here: ((/forum-alpha/delaunay-%283d%29-is-missing-in-alpha27.1