Halo 1-dimensional

looking for an EX9.Effect like the Halo (EX9.Effect), that is only fading in one dimension. something like sticking two gradients together, but it should have a Texture input. like that:


is there some effect that does that? or anybody can help altering the shader function?

thank you!!

well you can use something like

// input
float faderMiddle = 0; 
// PS code
float fader = cos(UV.x - faderMiddle)/2 + 0.5
col = lerp (tex0,tex1,fader);

UV.x may be TexCd.x
u can also replace tex1 with 0 if u want to fade to black

hey thanks,
without having any knowledge about shaders I managed hacking together something based on the Gradient.fx from TextureFX…

Gradient in two dimensions (4.4 kB)

or the I don’t want to mess with shaders way

grad2-3.v4p (8.7 kB)

cheers, sunep. scaling y to 0 on the halo transform was exactly what i was looking for!