GUI improvements

Martin Fleck writes:

  1. Inhalte kopierbar machen von Input-Pins

  2. bei Eingabe von “> 5” übernimmt er die Zahl direkt in den Input-Pin

  3. Boxen mit Rechtsklick löschen (also ohne Tastatur)

  4. Verbindungen nach einem FrameDelay in hellgrau darstellen

  1. Autoscrolling when drawing a connection

  2. Marking of Pins not holding the original preset valuee

Autoscrolling when drawing a connection

i agree with that. anyway sanch showed me the trick of organizing patches vertically, so that you only need to scroll up and down.
note that you can scroll with the mouse wheel even while drawing a connection.

the other rule of thumb i usually teach:
as soon as you start scrolling, use subpatches instead.

sanch showed me the trick of organizing patches vertically, so that you only need to scroll up and down.

what is the trick?

An integrated Snanpshot/Preset-system would be cool. something similar like in max or reaktor… all actual inlet/io boxes of a nodegroup/subpatch?? can be stored in a snapshot and can be restored by just selecting that new saved preset…

maybe a little bit difficult to implement? but sure a big and usefull advantage…?!

you may workaround this with my sequencer node set.
have a closer look at it!

thx kalle for pointing me to this. i try this out and post my comments…

another wish:

  1. very often i make io boxes with exactly the same name than its inlet. why not automate this by clicking over an inlet with a special keyboard combination. this then create a new io box with the name of the inlet and connects it automatically…?

i think such a fuction could really improve the workflow. what do you mean?

sanch showed me the trick of organizing patches vertically,
so that you only need to scroll up and down.

what is the trick?

have your patches only extend downwards - never to the right.
so you can scroll to all places only with the scrolling mouse wheel.
note that you can turn the wheel even when drawing a line…

Mr.Benefit writes:

  1. a nice timeline → after effects like mayby?
  2. missing nodes should be visuel highlighted on startup

greetings bene

  1. is likely to be implemented

greets gregsn

  1. different ways and different unlogical results of selecting more than one node


I am posting in this forum, because it is not really bug, but I think the different ways and results of selecting more than one node are unlogical and confusing.

Some examples:

  • selecting many IOBoxes with “leftClick and dragging a rectangle” works and Inspector offers “Multinodural selection”

  • selecting several nodes with “leftClick and dragging a rectangle” works and Inspector offers “Multinodural selection”

  • selecting many IOBoxes with “Shift and leftclick” IOBoxes does not work at all

  • selecting several non IOBox nodes with “Shift and leftclick” works for moving them together in a patch but Inspector does not offer " Multinodural selection"

… hmm

I do not see a reason for this inconsistent behaviour … is there one ?

I think, the “windows standard - shift and leftclick - selection of more than one item” should work exactly like “leftClick and dragging a rectangle” and the inspector should always offer the same “Multinodural selection” when more than one node is selected.



the visibility of a module’s pin seems to be controled in the parent patch?

otherwise i’d like the feature to control the “Outside” visibility with CTRL-H on the In/Outlet IOBox “Inside” …

indeed very important, i know

sounds like a cool mech. to set the default visibility of a module pin. however setting the pinvisibility of a specific pin from outside should still be possible.

sorry for editing the post

or the subtype…

this would be more cryptic maybe? just hiding the iobox and at the same time hiding the pin sounds reasonable. however we have up to now 3 pinvisibilities and 2 nodevisibilities. so we need to define a 3rd nodevisibility.

11a and b?) When you copy and paste something from a larger patch it gets pasted at it’s original coordinates, which sometimes makes it hard to find, so maybe some code to make sure it’s pasted within the bounds of the active window would be a good idea - however what I’d really like to see is a overview map, like in Bidule, for navigating your patch quickly. (A small box in the lower right corner with a smaller representation of the patch).

  1. Areas/Colors (to provide quick visible overview where what is taking place) would be cool to quickly recognize foreign patches or older own ones…

  2. Hierarchic Dependencies (something to keep track of what module is the center of algorithm and then just “pseudo”-modularize some interweaved nodes+connections)

  3. De-Confuse the Renderbox Alt+3/Rightclick on manual modules/strg+q stuff…

my 2 cents.

( 15 a ) weird idea but would be useful for some complex patches… sure it would suit my messy patching style :)

left mouse click on node in combination with some key
results in patch being centered at this node
and node gets selected as normal

(15 b )

then being able to skip through all nodes of same type within the patch
using arrow keys or + -
patch gets centered according to the selected node

i just think of a case when u being forced to use several quads, grids, transforms as one scene or patch… or does something similar already exist ?

i like that ±skipping idea!
messy patching rules!

make somehow possible to make configuration pins accessable in the gui in general.
like the hidden/invisible feature.
per default visible =“-1”.
if it only was possible to make them accessible via SetPatch i would be confident.