i just recently tried to code my first plugin using DX11 resources and had quite a hard time to get started with it. the use case i’m trying to implement is actually pretty simple - still i failed. as there is hardly any documentation apart from the code on github and vux’s vveekendvvworkshop video (which is interesting but was made before the breaking changes in dx11 1.1) i have a hard time finding a good entry point to this topic.
here’s what i’m trying to achieve:
the aim is to create a new container-like datatype that combines some types (transforms, colors) and DX11 resources (e.g. a texture) just to be able to send them together over a link and be able to cons them more conveniently. (the greater plan is to do dynamic reordering like z-sorting on these types).
i know that this is more than just passing an object reference to an DX11Resource. from what i can read from the nodes in the DX11 core the classes using these resources need to implement interfaces like IDX11ResourceDataRetriever or IDX11ResourceHost to make it work - i just don’t know where to start.
does anybody have simple examples available or could give me a hand on this?
here’s what i’ve got so far.
the first aim is to have join/split nodes to create and retreive data from MyContainer and then a cons node for this type. interestingly just adding a reference to VVVV.Nodes.Generic breaks the possibilty to connect the join/split nodes. i’m aware of the DX11 Generic nodes for cons-ing ressources but again i don’t know how to start.
any help (simple examples or explanations) would be very much appreciated!
i guess i’ve got it now - big thanks @velcrome for the useful pointers. will post the result here after some cleanup for reference…
@woei: the bigger picture here is to have some kind of BinSized z-sorting for some simple objects (i.e. params for quads like transforms, textures, colors, …) but not at layer level. right now i need this for a project with my students but i wanted to look into DX11 stuff at a plugin-level for a long time.
doing these kind of things with pins sounds interesting even though my usecase is not as fancy up until now.