Hello vvvvers
im looking for a way to synchronize my videos.
im using 3 filstreams2 each is playing one slice of a video, that i have cut in 3 pieces but the loops dont reset in sync.
my renderer is divided in 3 segments (left, middle, right)
im also planing on switching the videos slice by slice with a bang, so the first bang switches the right third, second bang the second etc, after 3 bangs a whole new video plays but every part should be in sync (for example if i bang the second time after 4 seconds, the video that starts playing in the middle should allready be at second 4)
i guess i could use some sort of timer which is continuously rolling and all filestreams are connected to it, so that the timer controlls which second of the video is playing.
i hope you understand my problem, i have no idea how to solve this
better understandig i can ad my patch if you want