I’m trying to make a FastValue-VectorInput , but there seems to be no way to set Dimensions, whereas DimensionNames can be set (albeit it is ignored).
I’m trying to make a FastValue-VectorInput , but there seems to be no way to set Dimensions, whereas DimensionNames can be set (albeit it is ignored).
No like this:
FastValueInput FFooIn;
As seen here: Unmanaged spread pointers? Arithmetic operations on huge spreads? - question - Forum
isn’t an ISpread always a fast value pin?
Mh in PluginInterfaces.V1 you could do something (more or less :) like this
FHost.CreateValueInput("Positions", 2, null, TSliceMode.Dynamic, TPinVisibility.True, out FPositions);
FPositions.SetSubType(double.MinValue, double.MaxValue, 0.001, 0.001, false, false, false);
int num;
double* positions;
FPositions.GetValuePointer(out num, out positions);
I thought in V2 it would be like this:
[Input("Positions", Dimension = 2, DimensionNames = new string[2](Input("Positions", Dimension = 2, DimensionNames = new string[2){"X","Y"}, DefaultValues = new double[2](2) { 0, 0 })]
FastValueInput FPositions;
int num;
double* positions;
num = FPositions.Length/2;
positions = FPositions.Data;
works now, thanks @elias.
yep. to sum it up, this works now as expected:
[Input("Foo", Dimension = 2)](Input("Foo", Dimension = 2))
FastValueInput FFooIn;