I cannot open MediaPipe and CEF.Stride with the newest preview 6.7 - 220. It still works with 6.7. - 178
please tell us more exactly what youâre doing. step by step.
the first time I opened mediapipe help patch with preview 220 it did open ok. Just with the âToStrideRendererâ red. Now I installed vl.CEF.Stride and the help patch opens like you see in the screen shot.
in the beginning I couldnât reference CEF.Stride to a blank patch without an errror. After trying out some other gamma version it does work, but mediapipe doesnât. Just referencing the mediapipe already is cursing the errors
any chance that youâre running VL.CEF as source package there?
any difference if you launch vvvv directly (ie. not via gamma launcher)?
No. Did try this. Did delete an old cef version and deleted the cef. Stride nuget. Because before installing that one. Media pipe was working, just the cef.stride nuget did through error, when starting dependencies
Does it help deleting %TMP%\vvvv-package-cache
this helps. mediapipe is running and CEF.Stride is running. Thank You. Never looked for this folder. Good to know.
Guess I should add a quick access to this in GammaLauncher đ
Itâs where the system places the pre-compiled assemblies. If for any reason (which is now impossible to figure out) the package setup / dependency tree was somewhat broken it might end up with a broken assembly as well. We could forbid this by saying only error free packages get placed there but to our knowledge errors even in packages are quite common and often ok / author of package doesnât mind, therefor doing so would break the whole gain we have from pre-compiling. Other option would be to do deeper checks on the dependency tree and invalidate them in case it changes. Since we have some upcoming changes planned regarding package management we should wait that out first.