August 7, 2014, 3:28pm
Lately I am getting confused because I put all the dx11 shader into the vvvv folder /effects and they don’t show up in the node list…
Were do I put them to make them show up in the node list?
In packs/dx11/nodes/ is messy imo because then I have to sort it precisely and that doesnt work for me lol
Also I would not be able to dsitingusih them from the native nodes.
how are you doing it?
August 7, 2014, 3:41pm
hei tekcor,
never change the content of any directory that comes with vvvv, the addonpack or any other pack!
all extra stuff has to be put in a seperate directory of your choosing and referenced via root. this is also explained here: nodes and paths
August 8, 2014, 2:04pm
Okey but it seems to still only scan dx11 stuff that is in dx11, not in effects, correct observation?
August 8, 2014, 2:29pm
thats something vux will have to answer.
August 8, 2014, 2:51pm
since node factories in vvvv choose a folder, best is to create a dx11 folder, effects folder is for dx9 ones.
August 8, 2014, 3:19pm
okey yea i had a closer look on it now and it requires some sorting:
dx11 for .fx
geom11 for .gsfx
texture11 for .tfx
Then it appears in the nodelist
Just as an extra thing to mention- I almost always find the gfsx files need a little patch wrapping, so it’s easiest to just save those in the same style as dx9 texture fx- the shader and patch together in a subfolder under a /modules. Then you just get the module in your list and not the shader but it will have access to the gsfx that sits next to it.