Hello evvvveryone.
In our search for the perfect midi controller for our 3D-midi-geometry-synthesizer we started looking around and wondered if you could use the excellent Ableton Push 2 controller with vvvv. Turns out Ableton recently released pretty much everything you need to know about Push 2, including how to drive the display, which would be incredible. Push 2 already has a user mode, where you can use it as a midi controller, but using the display would make so much sense.
Push 2 uses libusb to send the pixeldata and I was wondering if anyone has either a) tried this themselves, b) has any knowledge of libusb and how to use it with vvvv, c) would want to give this a try and work something out together.
The documentation from Ableton includes example code for libusb on how to get started, but unfortunately I have no knowledge of C :/ I’ll happily do the vvvv and interface design part.
Here is the link to the documentation: push-interface/doc/AbletonPush2MIDIDisplayInterface.asc at main · Ableton/push-interface · GitHub
Thanks for any help or info!