CVS of vector points

I’m trying to export a csv of some vector points, and just struggling to get it in the right format. I have a large spread of 3d points, and I need to add a carriage return after each point in the csv.


I’m working in VL, so already have all the points prior to accumulation, and the thought was to convert each set of 3 vectors into a string, separated by commas. And then after the accumulation, join the string separated by a carriage return.

I’ve done a very crude manual process to pull the first two points out in vvvv, but would like to have this all in VL of course.

can you share your vl document so we can see where you are?

fibonacci (19.3 KB)

For beta it would be:

For gamma/vl:
I used CLRF instead of CR here, because VL IOBoxes don’t display CR @joreg

@joreg. I just opened this in beta40. When I righclick the vl patch, it opens but no timings and values are shown in the tooltip.

I have to reload (ctrl+r) the vl patch for them to show up.

And another possibility:

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