I am trying again to get into the VL world. I have a nice use-case, where I want to create a VL library for receiving data form a LSL (LabStreamingLayer) servers. I am using this to fetch EEG LSL streams form a MUSE2016 EEG headband, send by the opensource BlueMuse.app.
So, are there some tutorials on reactive programming and creating a VL.nuget (library, class)…whatever
It is a very popular EEG headband and the official SDK is deprecated, so there is the BlueMuse project, which is using the industry standard LSL as a protocol for communication.
Why I can not create dynamically a spread stored in a pad? What am I doing wrong?
Perhaps I have to create a class?
And put all that in the constructor (Create method) some more basic guidelines for importing a .NET assembly would be amazing ;) when one needs to pull data async ;)
You can do everything on the AsyncTask and hand the end result over to the main thread. you should do as much as possible in the task in order to remove work from the main thread.
to create a spread from a MutableArray you can use the FromSequence [Spread] node.
you somehow managed to assign the node to the Create operation of the loop slice. right-click it and clear the assignment.
then also move all that into the AsyncTask. the HoldLatest node will than store the result for you (same as the cache region) until you trigger the AsyncTask again and it produces a new result.
I started all from scratch and gave up on generic VL lib, so I have created a class(Muse), where in the “Create” I scan for all the available streams (blocking for a few sec…, whatever) and then I set some pads
I plan to use the pads later to pull data async and process it (not there yet, unfortunately )
However…but as I look how it goes as of now for me with VL, perhaps I go for the plain old c# plugin + threads and the good old VVVV…
will give a try to VL again after some time… it is really frustrating
Are “pads” class properties (class variables with getters and setters?) then what are the input/outputs then?
This all is very confusing…
Is the “create” operation a constructor?
What about the update? Is it running based on the Main Loop (which mainloop? Now one can have many)!
It is strange, but I do not get the results from the AsyncTask …
this will create the Muse class in every frame, i’m not sure if that is what you want…
however, you seem to miss a few basics, especially how operations (methods) are used. and you can’t expect to learn a new programming language in 2 hours.
yes, they are class variables. this thread gives an easy example with code comparison:
the Update of the application patch (main patch of the document) gets called by the runtime main loop, if you place things into it, they will be called by the application patch… and so on… like a call hierarchy in most other programming languages.
it is a bang, you seem to have a toggle connected, which restarts the task in every frame.
which documentation did you read/watch so far and what is missing for you?