see attached patch.
Edit: The Wiki seems not to like “Sonderzeichen” like “&”.
Download should work now. (2.1 kB)
see attached patch.
Edit: The Wiki seems not to like “Sonderzeichen” like “&”.
Download should work now. (2.1 kB)
i can’t download your patch, page not found …
and are you probably experiencing the same problem i stated here Copy paste bug - general - Forum ?
no it also happens whithout funky characters.
copy/paste does work here ! i can’t reproduce it.
are you sure your vvvv program folder is not in a ‘strange’ location ?
no no strange location, the vvvv- and the patch-folder are both directly on C:\
Edit: I also tried with beta23
when i do CTRL+C i have this in my clipboard:
<!DOCTYPE PATCH SYSTEM "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\software\vvvv_40beta23\bin\40beta23.dtd" >
<NODE componentmode="Hidden" id="1" nodename="SubC.v4p" path="C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\CP-Bug_0\C&P-Bug\Subpatches\">
<BOUNDS height="100" left="270" top="1125" type="Node" width="100">
<BOUNDS left="270" top="1125" type="Box">
is yours looking different ?
<!DOCTYPE PATCH SYSTEM "C:\vvvv_40beta23\bin\40beta23.dtd" >
<NODE componentmode="Hidden" id="0" nodename="SubC.v4p" path="C:\CP-Bug\Subpatches\">
<BOUNDS height="100" left="660" top="1680" type="Node" width="100">
<BOUNDS left="660" top="1680" type="Box">
Maybe someone else could try it.
this should be related to Copy and Paste Issue - general - Forum and is like this for now.
the error messgage you get says it: SubC.v4p is not available next to the _Root.v4p.