Hi, have anyone experience with a specific Capture card and/or Camera?
They shouldn`t be too expenssive…
Tanks for advice…
Hi, have anyone experience with a specific Capture card and/or Camera?
They shouldn`t be too expenssive…
Tanks for advice…
hauppauge impact vcb pci card works great.
even cheaper (costs apprx. € 15,00-19,00), but same chip, image quality and reliability: Leadtek WinFast VC100 XP
best with this driver
This one has 4 full res inputs:
costs a bit more than 100 euro, there is a cheaper IVC-100
also. Works fine.
Thanks for those replies…
I think first of all ill begin with the cheapest way of all... an usb Camera.... I didn
t thought about that way before (-;
Regards Seba
I have just put a capture card in my computer. How do I get the video stream from it in to VVVV?
look at the “Devices” pin of the VideoIn node. your device should show up there. and see the VideoIn (Tutorial).v4p at User Tutorials.
Rather frustratingly it does not appear there. Any idea where to go from here?
which card are you using? have you installed a (wdm) driver?
The capture card was ordered from eBay and came from Hong Kong. There’s nothing written on the card, going in to Device Manager tells me the card is “xl - 2003 video capture card”. I’ve had a little look for other drivers, but it doesn’t seem hopeful. I’m thinking it’s probably best to get a new capture card before I can start playing with my wireless camera properly!
xl-2003 doesn’t ring a bell here. just by chance you could try the installing the generic btwincap driver over you current driver. good luck.
Thanks for the tip, but I read a post you made on a similar subject and tried btwincap. No luck!