Camera Intrinsics for VIOSO

hi all,

I am stuck measuring camera intrinsics for use with VIOSO. The Unity tool from the VIOSO website won’t run on any machine here, and the commandline tool cannot read my recorded AVI. I guess I am using the wrong encoder (already tried multiple) , but the website has no detailed information. Is it possible to convert intrinsics from OpenCV into a compatible format somehow?

assuming you want to use VL.VIOSOWarpBlend, i’m not sure what you’re referring to with “The Unity tool from the VIOSO website”. What you need is the tool called “VIOSO Integrate” which you can get from here: Downloads – VIOSO

VIOSO Integrate lets you select intrinsics for the camera you are using. I was referring to this website: Camera intrinsic calibration (external tools) – Legacy Helpdesk. They should provide an automated way to generate intrinsics.

I used opencv to calculate intrinsics for my camera, but the file seems not to be compatible with Vioso integrate. I tried opening a compatible YAML file and copy-pasting my OpenCV coefficients in there, but I also had no success. After loading this file I got no error msg, but the intrinsics weren’t available for my camera either.

ok, this clearly sounds like a question for VIOSO then. please get in touch with them, i found them to be quite responsive.

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