Call for content for crowd-designed music video!

Dear colleagues! Currently I am running a call for content for my band Mary-Ann Kiefer and we’re looking for background material for a beautifully galloping unicorn:

10 seconds of footage from 60 people will be enough to complete this crowd-designed music video!

So far we’ve got around 30 contributions… would some of you care to throw in a writer into one of your yet unreleased patches? Of course everybody will be credited in the video description, once it is released on YouTube!

The deadline is this Friday, Sept 10th - feel free to contact me, if there are more questions. Thank you very much already and please share it with others who might be interested!

Dear all!

In the meantime I decided it works better with 100 contributions, and voila:
We have 91 so far!

Check the previews here, the next video will be the final one:

So please, if there is anybody who would like to take part with a footage of 10 seconds, please submit until this Friday to contact@maryannkiefer

Thank you :)