I’m learning to write freeframe plugins with the help of the page : writing freeframe plugins
Until Step 7 all is OK.
But at the Step 8 = using OpenCV, the template (downloaded from the link in the chapter) doesn’t build. I have this message :
mingw32-g++.exe: \lib\cv.lib: No such file or directory
mingw32-g++.exe: \lib\cxcore.lib: No such file or directory
mingw32-g++.exe: \lib\highgui.lib: No such file or directory
I desperatly tried all settings concerning paths in CodeBlocks (linker settings, search directories,…, both in the project “Build option” and in the settings “Compiler and Debugger”).
I’m using Windows 7 64bits. CodeBlocks (with MinGW) and OpenCV 1.0 (if I understand, more recent releases are not usable in plugins in vvvv) are installed in C:\Program Files (x86), the 3 libraries are present, and I’m trying to build in a personnal directory in C:\vvvv
Would somebody know what I forgot to do, or have a clue ?
Thank you,