the question is what is the best solution to achieve this:
my friend uses his PC with vvvv to mix video samples
i use my pc with vvvv to render patches i created
to work together we need to send rendered video from his pc to my vvvv patch where i can do final mix (because we dont have so powerful pc to render both :) )
i found the bigfug patch which can send dshow using TCP protocol… but really i dont like the idea streaming anything via TCP even on LAN
you can get video in via simple capture card (NTSC or PAL over svid or composite) or get a “framegrabber”/capturecard (EMS and datapath make PCI-e DVI/VGA input cards). The svid or composite you can get USB to work with two laptops, the capture card takes a computer that has an extra PCI-e slot (same slot as graphics card, need mobo w/ at least 2 pcie slots)…
getting high resolution video into a computer really sucks at moment. There is also the Matrox hdmi input breakoutbox… but that needs broadcast standard resolutions…
I second the “get it working on one machine” idea, play with the svvvvitcher or the old catweasel patch changer patch.
Hi. Finally i tested classic UDP streaming model and it’s works. I successfully streamed 320/240 25fps video from my PS3Eye camera connected to my netbook to workstation. I attached beta version of my texture streaming modules- will put final version to wiki at this weekend. If you have some questions you can msg me in skype - algariol.
Hi. Finally i tested classic UDP streaming model and it’s works. I successfully streamed 320/240 25fps video from my PS3Eye camera connected to my netbook to workstation. I attached beta version of my texture streaming modules- will put final version to wiki at this weekend. If you have some questions you can msg me in skype - algariol.