hi ! i had a quick and very happy eye on avs avi join.
my question is perhaps silly, and may have made surely a long topic on it ( didn t find any trace) but…
is it possible to use avisynth dlls and scripting in real time inside vvvv ?
hi ! i had a quick and very happy eye on avs avi join.
my question is perhaps silly, and may have made surely a long topic on it ( didn t find any trace) but…
is it possible to use avisynth dlls and scripting in real time inside vvvv ?
yes. i discovered this a few days ago. i use avisynth scripts in conjunction with ffdshow. within the ffdshow videodecoder configuration interface you can select avisynth (left side) and there is a textbox where you can insert avisynth scripts. close ffdshow (it will keep all your settings and entries) and voila, there’re all effects in the directshow stream. works pretty well…
ok, just went over your posting again and maybe the solution i described is not really the thing you’re looking for, because with this solution you can’t change parameters from within vvvv directly…
i’ve been researching this some time ago and didn’t find a way to interact with avisynth scripts at runtime. that would be quite a powerful tool, i agree. i last checked about a year ago, things may have changed…
hi flux, hi joreg. yes avisynth seems very very strong for filtering language. some filters are far more efficient that freeframe dll.
dont know/understand the logicals behind… i mean, if avisynth is usable with jointavi for skipping and playing files, this could be normally acccessible in cache ? how and why?
i m thinking very hard about msu’s wrok: http://compression.ru/video/index.htm
and http://avisynth.org/warpenterprises/
ok, just had a quick glance at it tonight
once avisynth installed there is no difficulty to load a processed file thruth avisynth script.
i m fighting two basic troubles with loading the avs file generated on change of values in this patch:
-renderer is not loading the new generated avs file. I need to destruct it and create a new one to obtain the connection and the refreshd the file
edit: needs to disconnect or reconnect name of file to refresh script
-frame rate is low ( CPU relativ ? ) with this effect wich is not simple, I agree… but i would be very happy if it was working more smoother…
maybe finally another door opening ?
avisynth effect.zip (295.5 kB)