Augmented reality

Hey Forum,

I am interested in implementing Augmented reality within vvvv.

I have stumbled across this download page:

However,I cannot make any sense of it. I suppose I am supposed to copy these files to a directory within the vvvv folder but I do not know which ones. Is it the Freeframe folder? Then, what so I do from within vvvv. Are there any patches or tutorials out there?



only thing you have to do is to install the addonpack from the downloads page. the create the node ARTK+Tracker, select it and press F1 to see its help patch.

your link is the source code of the tracker, you only need it if you want to compile the .dll yourself.

oh, im sorry, the ARTK+Tracker is not in the addonpack because of some licensing issues. your link was right, you get the .dll and the help .v4p file from there. just put them in the freeframe folder.

nope, actually the ARTK+Tracker is now in the pluginpack, so you won’t need more than the pack to get started.

OK, Ive loaded the ARTK Tracker node. I cannot see the render screen in the help patch (I guess because I dont have the camera config file right). I am on a macbook (bootcamp), using the built in eyesight. Does anyone have this cameras camera config file?

Thanks, by the way, for the quick reply earlier.

Hey, I solved the problem. Deselect the “force video via smart” in the inspektor properties for Videoin. Then make sure you select your camera config file. I used the the generic one that comes wihith the AR tracker toolkit. In the directory: (sample/simple/data)

I can’t find the directory that you mention… I can’t make the help patch work…

don’t forget to calibrate your camera first, whit something like GML Camera Calibration toolkit, it works much much better.

Just had a little play with this, is it possible for each marker to have it’s own ID? Currently every marker has an ID of -1.

Should have played around with it some more, to get ID’s to working correctly you need to turn off “Use BCH marker”.

I’ve also found that when loading up ARTK in a big patch the plugin stops working. Loading up the main patch, then opening the ARTK patch seems to work quite nicely though.

Attached you’ll find the standard logitech camera calibration file, put in this in the freeframe* directory (same folder as the ARTK plugin).

*edited - thanks Kalle. (205 Bytes)

i think gaz is referring to the freeframe directory…
on how-to cam calibration for artk

but use instead this tool it more easy